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[Fixed] Reports: "Notify user" checkbox / filing without sub

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:43 am
by famlam
In issue reports with an user email ( ... 21cd9eef22):
click the label 'notify user' when changing the status. It doesn't check the checkbox in front of it. Only clicking the checkbox itself fixes this.

This can be fixed by changing
<span id="notifyField"><input type="checkbox" id="notify" name="notify" value="1"> Notify user</span>
<span id="notifyField"><input type="checkbox" id="notify" name="notify" value="1"><label for="notify">Notify user<label></span>

ALSO another bug:
1. unsubscribe from all filters
2. start an ad report. On the second page you'll see a message telling you that you do not have any active subscriptions.
3. enable/subscribe to a filter list
4. press previous in the reporter
5. press next, complete the report
6. congratulations, you filed a report without subscriptions: ... b=requests

(and well, to keep trying, although filed before without responses)
reports like this one do not serve the filter list maintainer: filter download failed. It might be an idea to just notify the user that it failed, so (s)he will check his/her firewall rather that having a non-working ABP. This also saves the list maintainer some time (as it probably isn't the first thing a list maintainer looks at, so (s)he might first try to figure out what could have raised the ad for the user, before (s)he finally notices the download failure)

Re: Clicking "Notify user" in reports doesn't check the checkbox

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:28 pm
by Wladimir Palant
famlam wrote:This can be fixed by changing
<span id="notifyField"><input type="checkbox" id="notify" name="notify" value="1"> Notify user</span>
<span id="notifyField"><input type="checkbox" id="notify" name="notify" value="1"><label for="notify">Notify user<label></span>
Thank you, fixed.
famlam wrote:ALSO another bug:
1. unsubscribe from all filters
2. start an ad report. On the second page you'll see a message telling you that you do not have any active subscriptions.
3. enable/subscribe to a filter list
4. press previous in the reporter
5. press next, complete the report
6. congratulations, you filed a report without subscriptions: ... b=requests

Generally, it would be better to have a separate topic for each report. The last issue will take longer to fix and I have a bug report with a meaningless title now.

Re: Clicking "Notify user" in reports doesn't check the checkbox

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:38 pm
by famlam
Generally, it would be better to have a separate topic for each report. The last issue will take longer to fix and I have a bug report with a meaningless title now.
Thanks for fixing the other bugs! I refiled this one here, so you can easily keep track of it.