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Hide an Only Empty Objects or Unhide and Specific Object

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 1:11 am
by apolion
I've done a research and haven't found anything about this.
An example of what I have tried is:[class="advert"]
In short these mainteining hiding the UL what i need. I want to block all the UL objects but enable only one that contains a class X. The main problem is that I have no other way to target those UL other than this. They have nothing else attached to them, while what I want to show if it have something attached. I hope you can help me. Atte. Apolion

Re: Hide an Only Empty Objects or Unhide and Specific Object

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:24 am
by apolion
I found an alternative way to solve my problem, basically it is solved using the option ":-abp-contains()" and :-abp-has().
I point to the upper content of "LI" leaving something like this:> LI:-abp-contains(of))
In this way it is possible with a little more work to eliminate the UL's that I don't need because they always contain a "LI" with a random text.
Right now I'm aiming to regular words like "of, as or and".
Although for some reason I can't point to "in" because it hides what I need, even if the "UL" I want to keep doesn't contain it, I checked that. This would be much easier if I could point to "::Marker" since all the annoying ULs contain it, but that seems like too much to ask.